Tabs Studio Blog (organizing Visual Studio document tabs)

November 17, 2011

Sorting by full tab name

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Sergey Vlasov @ 8:12 am

Depending on the project type you are working on, Tabs Studio settings and add-ins enabled, tabs may have a path in the tab name. The Sorter add-in compares tab names without path, so for an ASP.NET website project, tabs are sorted like this:

Sorting without path

Sorting without path

I’ve added the option to sort by full tab name. You can enable it in Tabs Studio – Add-in manager – Sorter options:
Sorter Options

Sorter Options

With this option enabled the same tabs are now sorted like this:
Sorting with path

Sorting with path

The updated Sorter add-in is included in Tabs Studio v2.5.6.

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